Social Welfare Lawyers in the Centre of Birmingham

Moore & Coates -v- SSCLG

Moore & Coates -v- Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government & London Borough of Bromley and Dartford Borough Council and Equality and Human Rights Commission [2015] EWHC 44 (Admin)

Ms Moore and Ms Coates are Romani Gypsies who were seeking planning permission for single pitch sites for themselves and their families (in Ms Moore’s case from London Borough of Bromley and in Ms Coates’ case from Dartford Borough Council). Ms Moore had previously been refused planning permission by a Planning Inspector but had had that decision quashed by a High Court Judge and that quashing of the decision was upheld by the Court of Appeal (see the Travellers Times blog ‘Gypsy Woman wins in Court of Appeal’–Comment/Gypsy-woman-wins-in-court-of-appeal.aspx.

Following the quashing of the Planning Inspector’s decision, Ms Moore’s case was returned to another Planning Inspector. Ms Coates had applied for planning permission which had been refused by the local planning authority. She had appealed to a Planning Inspector. The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (SSCLG), Mr Pickles, decided to recover their appeal cases to make the decisions himself.

TAT News E-Bulletins 2015

TAT News E-Bulletins 2015


Total Attachments: 9

TAT News E-Bulletin - No. 22 - January 2015 (481 KB) TAT News E-Bulletin - No. 23 - February 2015 (2 MB) TAT News E-Bulletin - No. 24 - Spring 2015 (584 KB) TAT News E-Bulletin - No. 25 - Glastonbury Special 2015 (3 MB) TAT News E-Bulletin - No. 26 - July 2015 (409 KB) TAT News E-Bulletin - No. 27 - August 2015 special (301 KB) TAT News E-Bulletin - No. 28 - September 2015 special (284 KB) TAT News E-Bulletin - Government U Turn Oct 2015 (131 KB) TAT News E Bulletin - No 30 - Christmas Edition website.doc (578 KB)


Ms Moore and Ms Coates are Romani Gypsies who were seeking planning permission for single pitch sites for themselves and their families in the Green Belt. The local planning authorities ( London Borough of Bromley in Ms Moore’s case and Dartford Borough Council in Ms Coates’ case) refused them planning permission. They appealed to a Planning Inspector.  The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (SSCLG), Mr Pickles, decided to recover their appeal cases to make the decisions himself because of certain Ministerial Statements that had been issued.  The reason given for these decisions to recover the cases were that the appeals involved “a traveller site in the Green Belt”.