Social Welfare Lawyers in the Centre of Birmingham

The Enshrined Right to Travel : The Bromley Case

London Borough of Bromley v Persons Unknown, London Gypsies and Travellers and others [2020] EWCA Civ 12


As many readers will know, London Borough of Bromley (‘Bromley’) appealed to the County Court against the refusal of “a de facto boroughwide prohibition of encampment and entry/occupation…in relation to all accessible public spaces in Bromley” ( in the words of Ms Ann-Leigh Mulcahy QC, sitting as a deputy judge of the High Court, when refusing the injunction). Some 38 similar injunctions have been granted by the High Court in recent years. In the Bromley case, London Gypsies and Travellers (LGT) intervened represented by Marc Willers QC and Tessa Buchanan of Garden Court Chambers and CLP (all acting substantially pro bono). This was, therefore, the first case involving such an injunction in which the Gypsy and Traveller community were represented before the High Court. As a result of the success of LGT in getting the wide injunction discharged (an injunction just against fly tipping and depositing waste was granted), this was also the first case to be argued out at appellate level. At Court of Appeal level Liberty and seven other local authorities also intervened.

TAT News E-Bulletin 2020


Total Attachments: 7

TAT News E Bulletin - Christmas 2020 (303 KB) TAT News E Bulletin - No 53 - September 2020 (629 KB) TAT News E Bulletin - No 52 - June 2020 (369 KB) TAT News E Bulletin - No 51 April 2020 Welsh Guidance (241 KB) TAT News E Bulletin - No 50 April 2020 English Guidance (426 KB) TAT News E Bulletin - No 49 - April 2020 Coronavirus Special (458 KB) TAT News E Bulletin - No 48 - January 2020 Bromley (821 KB)