High Court holds Birmingham City Council operate unlawful system in performing their duty to the homeless.
Braintree DC v SSHCLG and Nicholls [2021] EWHC 651 (QB)
A Planning Inspector granted Mr Nicholls planning permission for a Travellers’ site. The local authority challenged this decision on the basis that the Inspector had misinterpreted the development plan and had failed to provide sufficient reasons for her decision. Timothy Mould QC (sitting as a Deputy Judge of the High Court) dismissed the appeal. If the local authority’s interpretation of their own policy had been allowed it would have meant that no Gypsy or Traveller site could ever have been given permission in the countryside. Their appeal against the costs award against them was also dismissed. See: https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2021/651.html
Canal & River Trust Terms and Conditions of Licence
CRT have recently carried out a consultation on new terms and conditions for their licences. https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/national-consultations
National Bargee Travellers Association are very concerned both about the consultation process itself and about some of the proposed new terms and conditions. They are looking for boat dwellers who would be interested in potentially bringing a legal challenge. If you are interested in bringing such a challenge please phone us on our advice line which is 0121 685 8677 Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm.