Written on 01 July 2019.
Labour has been urged by its supporters to commit to a fully funded legal aid system in its next election manifesto:
Written on 01 July 2019.
Labour has been urged by its supporters to commit to a fully funded legal aid system in its next election manifesto:
This is the submission of the Campaign to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights’ Inquiry into Defending Human Rights.
The No Mad Laws Campaign has welcomed two new recruits to the steering group namely Lui Asquith and Cris McCurley of Ben Hoare Bell solicitors. For a blog welcoming both new members see:- https://www.communitylawpartnership.co.uk/no-mad-laws-campaign/two-new-recruits
In the run up to the Labour Leadership Election, Mr Corbyn and his opponent, Owen Smith, were asked by the No Mad Laws Campaign about their views on the five recommendations put forward by the Campaign. Travellers’ Times has highlighted Jeremy Corbyn’s support in response to that request from the Campaign. For more details see the No Mad Laws website at: https://www.nomadlaws.co.uk/news/
Jo Gregson of the Traveller Movement, a steering committee member of the No Mad Laws Campaign writes: https://www.nomadlaws.co.uk/news/81-labour-leadership-candidates-respond-to-no-mad-laws-campaign/
We have now received a totally unhelpful response from the Ministry of Justice to the Petition – see attached.
Plus they manage to fail to mention the cases of R (Gudanaviciene & ors) -v- Secretary of State for Justice (which found the exceptional funding guidance to be unlawful) and R (Ben Hoare Bell & ors) -v- The Lord Chancellor which found the Civil Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regs, with regard to payment in legal aid cases for judicial reviews, to also be unlawful. Must have skipped their mind! We have just chased up the other main parties about the Petition and we will let you know if and when we hear from them.
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The No Mad Laws steering committee, of which CLP are a member, have now submitted the petition to Government and to the main political parties. The petition had reached 1464 signatures. Thank you to all who signed. We will let you know the responses we get in due course. See our updated briefing paper attached.
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The campaign have produced a briefing paper containing examples of how the changes to Legal Aid will be severely detrimental to Gypsies and Travellers.
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Legal Action Magazine have published an article about the campaign: http://www.lag.org.uk/magazine/2014/10/legal-aid-cuts-impact-statement.aspx
This campaign consists of Gypsy and Traveller support groups and representatives and Gypsies and Travellers themselves who have joined together to highlight the disastrous effect that the Coalition Government’s legal aid and judicial review reforms will have upon Gypsies and Travellers. The No Mad Laws Campaign was formally launched on 26th August 2014.
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