Following their initial consultation process, the Ministry of Justice have carried out a further consultation on Judicial Review. This consultation contains potentially disastrous proposals on planning appeals (that may seriously affect Gypsies and Travellers) and on judicial review in general (which may prevent legal aid lawyers from taking such cases). The consultation deadline is November 1st and we urge people to put in their responses. The Ministry of Justice paper can be found here: . Marc Willers of Garden Court Chambers, Simon Ruston and Chris Johnson have done a two part blog on the effects on Gypsies and Travellers: . Here is our response to the consultation (please feel free to use bits of it as you see fit):
Judicial Review: Proposals For Further Reform
- Impact of Insecure Accommodation and the Living Environment on Gypsies’ and Travellers’ Health
- Forest of Dean DC -v- SSCLG and Jones