Social Welfare Lawyers in the Centre of Birmingham

Greenwich Injunction

The Royal Borough of Greenwich made an application seeking an injunction against Traveller encampments on 27 parcels of land. London Gypsies and Travellers (LGT) intervened in this matter and were represented by Chris Johnson of CLP. The final hearing took place in the King’s Bench Division in the Royal Courts of Justice in London on 18 October. HHJ Cotter was not satisfied that the evidence provided by the council justified the grant of such a wide injunction. After a short adjournment the barrister for the council, Steven Woolf (who has been involved in other cases for local authorities seeking wide injunctions), asked that the matter should be adjourned generally which the judge agreed to. LGT have asked the council to:

1. Re-consider whether they really need an injunction at all ( which LGT argue they do not)
2. Re-consider whether transit provision is required
3. Create a proper negotiated stopping agreement

Watch this space!