Social Welfare Lawyers in the Centre of Birmingham

Definition Challenge

We are pleased to inform readers that Mrs Nunn and her family have finally found a permanent home. However this does mean that her challenge to the new definition of Gypsy/Traveller has become academic and will have to be withdrawn.

In light of this we are extremely interested in hearing from others who are affected by the definition and examples include the following:-

  1. Those who lose planning appeals because of the new definition;
  2. Those who are not included in Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment because of the new definition;
  3. Those who are not allowed onto waiting lists or who are excluded from waiting lists because of the new definition.

We would encourage anyone who is affected by the definition or who wants to discuss this matter in general to contact us on our advice line.

As regular readers will know, in August 2015 the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (SSCLG) changed the definition of Gypsy/Traveller for planning purposes. From that date those Gypsies and Travellers who have had to stop travelling permanently due to age or ill health have been excluded from the definition. We have been arguing since then that the definition is discriminatory, prejudicial, unreasonable and disproportionate especially as regards those Gypsies and Travellers who are old, disabled, in serious ill health or caring for others.