Social Welfare Lawyers in the Centre of Birmingham

Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awards 2017

CLP were delighted (to say nothing of amazed) to be given the above award at the Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year awards on the evening of 5th July 2017. It was wonderful to hear about the marvellous work of so many dedicated legal aid workers around the UK. The awards are organised by the (equally wonderful) Legal Aid Practitioners Group (LAPG).

LAPG said of CLP:

“CLP is a legal aid firm to its core. It specialises in housing law for those facing possession, the homeless and Gypsies and Travellers, including cutting edge work in the higher courts. A client who collapsed when trying to represent herself says: ‘I went from wanting to die to wanting to live – that’s how much their help meant’.

 Anna Jones, the compere for the evening, referred to “their legendary commitment to Gypsies and Travellers”.

Thank you to all those who sent in submissions in our support especially some of our clients and to James Stark of Garden Court North Chambers for nominating us. Well done to all the winners and all those shortlisted. We were very honoured to be in such exalted company.