Social Welfare Lawyers in the Centre of Birmingham

Campaigns and Consultations

Human Rights

The Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts on the reform of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) is holding an open court for information, proposals and views on the issue of the longer term reform of the system of the European Convention on Human Rights and the ECtHR.  This process follows on from the Brighton Declaration adopted in April 2012.  It is intended to be open and inclusive, allowing questions to be raised and examined concerning all aspects of the Convention system and the Court.  For further information see .

The deadline for submissions is midday (12.00 pm French local time) on Monday 27th January 2014.

Making submissions concerning the European Convention is a big task.  TAT will be suggesting that all Gypsy and Traveller Support Groups and representatives link together to produce a joint submission thus making use of all the range of knowledge we have on this subject.  Those who are interested in participating please email us at:- .

Government’s Balance of Competences Review on Fundamental Rights

The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) are carrying out a review about the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA). Many people are concerned that the Government want to water down or reduce these rights and want to attack the FRA. The deadline for submissions is 13th January 2014. Here is our submission (thanks to Marc Willers of Garden Court for his great assistance):


Total Attachments: 1

Balance of Competence Review - CLP Response (55 KB)

Judicial Review: Proposals For Further Reform

Following their initial consultation process, the Ministry of Justice have carried out a further consultation on Judicial Review. This consultation contains potentially disastrous proposals on planning appeals (that may seriously affect Gypsies and Travellers) and on judicial review in general (which may prevent legal aid lawyers from taking such cases). The consultation deadline is November 1st and we urge people to put in their responses. The Ministry of Justice paper can be found here: . Marc Willers of Garden Court Chambers, Simon Ruston and Chris Johnson have done a two part blog on the effects on Gypsies and Travellers: . Here is our response to the consultation (please feel free to use bits of it as you see fit):


Total Attachments: 1

JR Proposals For Further Reform (155 KB)

Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights (JCHR)

The JCHR is holding an inquiry into the legal aid reforms. The details can be accessed at—call-for-evidence/
The deadline for submissions is September 27th.
Mr Grayling has declined to hold back from proceeding with his legal aid reforms until the JCHR has reported. Despite this, a strong report from the JCHR may be very important in what may be inevitable future challenges to the catastrophic legal aid changes. Attached to this article is the submission CLP have made to the JCHR.

On the 27 September 2013 we made a further submission of evidence to this Inquiry – see attached:


Total Attachments: 2

CLP Submission on JCHR Legal Aid Inquiry (58 KB) Second Submission on JCHR Legal Aid Inquiry (52 KB)